Amperage Chart & Electric Heat Products Limited Warranty
Heat Products
Elements in 2900 Series Baseboard
10 Years
All Other Heating Products
1 Year
Thermostats & Controls
2 Years
208 Volt
AMP Rating
220 Volt
AMP Rating
230 Volt
AMP Rating
240 Volt
AMP Rating
1 PH 3 PH 1 PH 3 PH 1 PH 3 PH 1 PH 3 PH 1 PH 3 PH 3 PH 3 PH
00.5 1,706 2.4 1.4 2.3 1.3 2.2 1.3 2.1 1.2 1.8 0.6 0.6 0.5
01.0 3,413 4.8 2.8 4.5 2.6 4.3 2.5 4.2 2.4 3.6 1.3 1.2 1.0
02.0 6,826 9.6 5.5 9.1 5.2 8.7 5.0 8.3 4.8 7.2 2.6 2.4 2.1
03.0 10,239 14.4 8.3 13.6 7.9 13.0 7.5 12.5 7.2 10.8 3.9 3.6 3.1
04.0 13,652 19.2 11.1 18.2 10.4 17.5 10.1 16.6 9.6 14.4 5.2 4.8 4.2
05.0 17,065 24.0 13.8 22.7 13.1 21.7 12.6 20.8 12.0 18.1 6.6 6.0 5.2
06.0 20,478 28.8 16.6 27.3 15.7 26.1 15.1 25.0 14.4 21.7 7.9 7.2 6.3
07.0 23,891 33.6 19.4 31.8 18.4 30.4 17.6 29.1 16.8 25.3 9.2 8.4 7.3
08.0 27,304 38.5 22.2 36.4 20.9 34.9 20.1 33.3 19.2 28.9 10.5 9.6 8.4
09.0 30,717 42.8 24.9 40.9 23.3 39.1 22.6 37.7 21.4 32.5 11.8 10.8 9.5
10.0 34,130 48.1 27.4 45.4 26.2 43.5 25.1 41.7 24.0 36.1 13.2 12.0 10.5
11.0 37,543 52.9 30.5 50.0 28.6 47.8 27.6 45.8 26.4 39.7 14.5 13.2 11.6
12.0 40,956 57.7 33.2 54.5 31.5 52.1 30.2 50.0 28.6 43.3 15.8 14.4 12.6
13.0 44,369 62.5 36.0 59.1 34.1 56.9 32.7 54.2 31.3 46.9 17.1 15.6 13.7
14.0 47,782 67.3 38.8 63.6 36.7 60.9 35.2 58.3 33.7 50.5 18.4 16.8 14.7
15.0 51,195 72.1 41.5 68.2 39.1 65.2 37.7 62.5 35.1 54.2 19.8 18.0 15.8
16.0 54,608 76.9 44.3 72.7 41.9 69.6 40.2 66.7 38.5 57.8 21.1 19.2 16.9
17.0 58,021 81.7 47.1 77.3 44.3 73.9 42.7 70.8 40.9 61.4 22.4 20.4 17.9
18.0 61,434 86.5 49.8 81.8 47.2 78.3 45.2 75.0 43.3 65.0 23.7 21.6 19.0
19.0 64,847 91.3 52.6 86.4 49.6 82.6 47.7 79.2 45.7 68.6 25.1 22.8 20.0
20.0 68,260 96.1 55.1 90.9 52.5 86.9 50.3 83.3 48.1 72.2 26.4 24.0 21.1
21.0 71,673 100.0 58.2 95.6 55.1 91.3 52.9 87.5 50.5 75.8 27.7 25.2 22.1
22.0 75,086 105.8 60.9 100.0 57.7 95.7 55.3 91.7 52.9 79.4 29.0 26.4 23.1
23.0 78,499 110.6 63.7 14.5 60.4 100.0 57.9 95.8 55.3 83.0 30.3 27.6 24.3
24.0 81,912 115.4 66.5 109.1 62.9 104.3 60.3 100.0 57.7 86.6 31.7 28.8 25.3
25.0 85,325 120.2 69.2 113.6 65.3 108.6 62.8 104.1 60.1 90.3 33.0 30.1 26.4
26.0 88,738 125.0 72.0 118.2 68.3 113.0 65.3 108.3 62.5 93.9 34.3 31.3 27.4
27.0 92,151 129.8 74.8 122.7 70.9 117.4 67.8 112.5 64.7 97.5 35.6 32.5 28.5
28.0 95,564 134.6 77.2 128.2 73.5 121.7 70.3 116.6 67.3 101.1 36.9 33.7 29.5
29.0 98,977 139.4 80.3 131.8 76.0 126.0 72.9 120.8 69.7 104.7 38.3 34.9 30.6
30.0 102,390 144.2 83.1 136.4 78.7 130.4 75.4 125.0 72.1 108.3 39.6 36.1 31.7
31.0 105,803 149.0 85.9 140.9 81.3 134.7 77.9 129.2 74.5 111.9 40.9 37.3 32.7
32.0 109,216 153.8 88.7 145.4 83.9 139.0 80.4 133.4 76.9 115.5 42.2 38.5 33.8
33.0 112,629 158.6 91.5 149.9 86.5 143.3 82.9 137.6 79.3 119.1 43.5 39.7 34.8
34.0 116,042 163.4 94.3 154.4 89.1 147.6 85.4 141.8 81.7 112.7 44.8 40.9 35.9
35.0 119,455 168.2 97.1 158.9 91.7 151.9 87.9 146.0 84.1 126.4 46.1 42.1 36.9
36.0 122,868 173.0 99.9 163.4 94.3 156.2 90.4 150.2 86.5 130.0 47.4 43.3 38.0
37.0 126,281 177.8 102.7 167.9 96.9 160.5 92.9 154.4 88.9 133.6 48.7 44.5 39.0
38.0 129,694 182.6 105.5 172.4 99.5 164.8 95.4 158.6 91.3 137.2 50.0 45.7 40.1
39.0 133,107 187.4 108.3 176.9 102.1 169.1 97.9 162.8 93.7 140.7 51.3 46.9 41.1
40.0 136,520 192.2 111.1 181.4 104.7 173.4 100.4 167.0 96.1 144.4 52.6 48.1 42.2
41.0 139,933 197.0 113.9 185.9 107.3 177.7 102.9 171.2 98.5 148.0 53.9 49.3 43.2
42.0 143,346 201.8 116.7 190.4 109.9 182.0 105.4 175.4 100.9 151.6 55.2 50.6 44.3
43.0 146,759 206.6 119.5 194.9 112.5 186.3 107.9 179.6 103.3 155.2 56.5 51.8 45.3
44.0 150,172 211.4 122.3 199.4 115.1 190.6 110.4 183.8 105.7 158.8 57.8 53.0 46.4
45.0 153,585 216.2 125.1 203.9 117.7 194.9 112.9 188.0 108.1 162.5 59.1 54.2 47.4
46.0 156,998 221.0 127.9 208.4 120.3 199.2 115.4 192.2 110.5 166.1 60.4 55.4 48.5
47.0 160,411 225.8 130.7 212.9 122.9 203.5 117.9 196.4 112.9 169.7 61.7 56.6 49.5
48.0 163,824 230.6 133.5 217.4 125.5 207.8 120.4 200.6 115.3 173.3 63.0 57.8 50.6
49.0 167,237 235.4 136.3 221.9 128.1 212.1 122.9 204.8 117.7 176.9 64.3 59.0 51.6
50.0 170,650 240.2 139.1 226.4 130.7 216.4 125.4 209.0 120.1 180.5 65.6 60.2 52.7
51.0 174,063 245.0 141.9 230.9 133.3 220.7 127.9 213.2 122.5 184.1 66.9 61.4 53.7
52.0 177,476 249.8 144.7 235.4 135.9 225.0 130.4 217.4 124.9 187.7 68.2 62.6 54.8
53.0 180,889 254.6 147.5 239.9 138.5 229.3 132.9 221.6 127.3 191.3 69.5 63.8 55.8
54.0 184,302 259.4 150.3 244.4 141.1 233.6 135.4 225.8 129.7 194.9 70.8 65.0 56.9
55.0 187,715 264.2 153.1 248.9 143.7 237.9 137.9 230.0 132.1 198.6 72.2 66.2 57.9
56.0 191,128 269.0 155.9 253.4 146.3 242.2 140.4 234.2 134.5 202.2 73.5 67.4 58.8
57.0 194,541 273.8 158.7 257.9 148.9 246.5 142.9 238.4 136.9 205.8 74.9 68.6 59.9
58.0 197,954 278.6 161.5 262.4 151.5 250.8 145.4 242.6 139.3 209.4 76.2 69.8 60.9
59.0 201,367 283.4 164.3 266.9 154.1 255.1 147.9 246.8 141.7 213.0 77.5 71.0 62.3
60.0 204,780 288.2 167.1 271.4 156.7 259.4 150.4 251.0 144.1 216.6 78.8 72.2 63.0
Note: All custom built products are subject to 100% cancellation/restock charges.
In addition to the Limited Warranty stated to the right covering general products, TPI Corporation extends
this warranty on the following listed products, which are warranted to the original consumer from the
original date of purchase for the total time periods indicated herein below:
TPI Corporation provides a limited warranty
of materials and workmanship for a period
of (i) ten (10) years for elements in 2900
Series baseboard heaters, (ii) two (2) years
for Thermostats and Controls, (iii) five (5)
years on HD and HDH series fans, (iv) three
(3) years on UHP and IHP series fans, (v) and
twelve (12) months for all other products,
with the warranty period commencing on the
original date of purchase. The TPI warranty
is limited to materials manufactured and work
performed by TPI Corporation, and does not
include damage or failure caused by acts of
God, abuse, misuse, connected to or placed
on other than rated voltage, abnormal usage,
faulty installation, failure to follow suggested
maintenance procedures enclosed with the
product, improper maintenance or any repairs
other than those provided by an authorized
TPI Corporation service center. For the name
of your nearest authorized TPI Corporation
service center, please write to TPI Corporation,
P.O. Box 4973, Johnson City, Tennessee,
37602 or call 1-800-682-3398.
During the warranty period, TPI Corporation
will, at its sole option, repair or replace any
defective parts or products returned, freight
prepaid, to the TPI Corporation factory or
such other location as TPI Corporation may
designate. No parts or products will be
accepted for repair or replacement without
prior authorization from TPI Corporation
and a return merchandise authority (RMA)
number issued by TPI Corporation. Returned
products must be packaged carefully and
TPI Corporation shall not be responsible for
damage in transit. When returning parts,
the owner must provide the model number
of the product and nature of difficulty being
This warranty does not obligate TPI
Corporation to bear the cost of labor in
replacing any assembly, unit or component
part thereof, nor does TPI Corporation assume
any liability for secondary charges, expenses
for installing or removal, freight or damages.
There will be charges rendered for product
repairs made after the warranty period has
expired. Proof of purchase, including date,
must accompany request for in-warranty
service. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights and you may have other rights, which
may vary, from state to state.
Except for the limited warranty provided in
the foregoing paragraph, all parts and products
sold by TPI Corporation are sold ‘as is’,
‘where is’, and without any other warranty of
any kind or nature, whether express, implied,
or statutory and including, without limitation,
any implied warranty of specific performance
or merchantability.
Under no circumstances, even with respect
to claims covered by the foregoing warranty,
will TPI Corporation be responsible for any
incidental, consequential, special, or punitive
damages of any kind or nature arising from
or related to the parts or products sold by TPI
In any event, TPI Corporation’s maximum
liability shall not in any case exceed the
purchase price for the part or product claimed
to be defective.
You hereby expressly agree to waive any and
all rights to a trial by jury with respect to any
product manufactured or supplied by TPI