Product Specifications
Reflector Patterns
TH & THSS Series Mul-T-Mount Electric Infrared Heater
Pattern ( º )
Heater Output
# of Qtz.
Mounting Heights (FT.)
Watts Delivered per Square Foot
Mounting Heights (FT.)
Heat Pattern Coverage @ Floor Level
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
L x W L x W L x W L x W L x W L x W L x W
30º 3.2
2 - Quartz Lamp Heaters
5.5 x 4 6.5 x 5.5 7.5 x 6.5 8.5 x 7.5 9.5 x 8.5 10.5 x 9.5 11.5 x 10.5 145.5 89.5 65.6 50.2 39.6 32.1 26.5
60º 3.2
10.5 x 9.5 13 x 12 15 x 14 17 x 16
N / R N / R N / R
32.1 20.5 15.2 11.8 -
90º 3.2
17 x 16 21 x 20 N / R N / R
11.8 7.6 -
30º 5.0
6 x 4 7.5 x 5.5 8.5 x 6.5 9.5 x 7.5 10.5 x 8.5 11.5 x 9.5 12.5 x 10.5 208.3 121.2 90.5 70.2 56.0 45.8 38.1
60º 5.0
11.5 x 9.5 14 x 12 16 x 14 18 x 16 20.5 x 18.5 23 x 21
N / R
45.8 29.8 22.3 17.4 13.2 10.4 -
90º 5.0
18 x 16 22 x 20 26 x 24 N / R N / R N / R
17.4 11.4 8.0 -
30º 7.3
N / R 8.5 x 5.5 9.5 x 6.5 10.5 x 7.5 11.5 x 8.5 12.5 x 9.5 13.5 x 10.5 -
156.1 118.2 92.7 74.7 61.5 51.5
60º 7.3
12 x 10.5 15 x 12 17 x 14 19 x 16 21.5 x 18.5 24 x 21
N / R
57.9 40.6 30.7 24.0 18.4 14.5 -
90º 7.3
19 x 16 23 x 20 27 x 24 N / R N / R N / R
24.0 15.9 11.3 -
30º 4.8
3 - Quartz Lamp Heaters
5.5 x 5 6.5 x 6.5 7.5 x 7.5 8.5 x 8.5 9.5 x 9.5 10.5 x 10.5 11.5 x 11.5 174.5 113.6 85.3 66.4 53.2 43.5 36.3
60º 4.8
10.5 x 10.5 13 x 13 15 x 15 17 x 17 21 x 21
N / R N / R
43.5 28.4 21.3 16.6 10.9 -
90º 4.8
17 x 17 21 x 21 N / R N / R N / R
16.6 10.9 -
30º 7.5
N / R 7.5 x 6.5 8.5 x 7.5 9.5 x 8.5 10.5 x 9.5 11.5 x 10.5 12.5 x 11.5 -
153.8 117.6 92.9 75.2 62.1 52.2
60º 7.5
11.5 x 10.5 14 x 13 16 x 15 18 x 17 20.5 x 19.5 23 x 22
N / R
62.1 41.2 31.3 24.5 18.8 14.8 -
90º 7.5
18 x 17 22 x 21 26 x 25 N / R N / R N / R
24.5 16.2 11.5 -
30º 10.95
N / R 8.5 x 6.5 9.5 x 7.5 10.5 x 8.5 11.5 x 9.5 12.5 x 10.5 13.5 x 11.5 -
198.2 153.7 122.7 100.2 83.4 70.5
60º 10.95
12 x 11 15 x 13 17 x 15 19 x 17 21.5 x 19.5 24 x 22 N / R 83.0 56.2 42.9 33.9 26.1 20.7 -
90º 10.95
19 x 17 23 x 21 27 x 25 N / R N / R N / R N / R 33.9 22.7 16.2 -
Sizing Chart
222, 342, 462 (Painted Version) 2-lamp
222, 342, 462 (Stainless Steel Version) 2-lamp
223, 343, 463 (Stainless Steel Version) 3-lamp
20 gauge Galvanized Steel
with a baked on, brown enamel (painted) finish. Housing is
ETL Listed for both indoor and totally exposed outdoor applications.
20 gauge Stainless Steel
for durability and corrosion-resistance. Housing is ETL Listed
for both indoor and totally exposed outdoor applications.
Reflectors and End Caps:
.040 Gold anodized Aluminum reflectors and end caps for superior reflectivity. Five
choices of reflector patterns including 30 degree narrow (symmetric & asymmetric), 60
degree medium (symmetric & asymmetric), and 90 degree wide (symmetric).
Clear quartz lamps. Coiled tungsten filament located within a sealed quartz envelope,
halogen filled, with porcelain end caps and 6” wire pigtail leads. 96% radiant delivered
efficiency with high moisture and thermal shock resistance. Instantaneous heat-up
and cool-down performance. Available wattages from 500 to 3800 Watts per element.
Available voltages from 120 to 600 Volts.
Mul-T-Mount heaters are not manufactured with any control device on the unit. All
controls are accessories and should be specified as such. Please consult the technical
sales department of factory for help in determining applicable controls. Please follow
installation instructions that accompany each heater.
Recessed mounting frames (painted or stainless steel), adjustable mounting brackets
(stainless steel only), vertical mounting brackets (stainless steel only), wire guards,
thermostats, snow detectors, SCR controllers, and power contactor panels.